I am sure he had


2008年04月03日 17:27

"I stood my ground for a few seconds and watched where people went so I could join the fighting force where it would count.Everquest2 platinum.
And I watched as the proclaimer with the uber armor ran off by himself toward the mines.fast wow gold.
Hmmm I thought.
Could he be that good.guild wars gold.
Maybe I could learn something.

I just had to follow him and see.
So, about five seconds behind him I followed and I watched as he approached the flag at the Mine and the sole horde member who stood there guarding it.lineage 2 adena.
He ran with gusto directly at the horde player and took a shot - then in about 3 seconds he was dead!! Just like that.
It wasn't much of a combat at all and he folded like a cheap suit! I was stunned, continued my run at the horde player and managed to win the, 1-on1 battle (This is why it is good to be level 29, or 39 or 49, 59, or 69 when it comes to pvp).lord of the rings online gold.
I took the flag then scampered off in search of other players to team up with.

After about 30 seconds the battlefield message came up that the player with the uber armor had left the playing field.
Now I don't mean to make fun of the player with the armor.
I am sure he had some nice armor and pvp action is so very hard and he must have been so disappointed to learn this lesson the hard way.
